Salutations, visitor.
Welcome to our humble little Carrd.
We're an OSDD-1B system. Please be gentle when interacting with us. We get overwhelmed easily.


We're generally pretty open to conversation, however there are a few bad apples that like to spoil the bunch. These headmates will usually not speak, though they might slip through the cracks.If you meet one of them, please do not take them personal. We are trying to teach them to change.

Some things to note:Some of us do require tone tags.
Some of us do not use them on the other hand.
We are shy and go nonverbal easily.Each of us have separate pronouns, ways we speak/type, and preferred names.We sometimes switch between plural and singular terms to describe ourselves.We are taken, don't be strange to us.We are bodily an adult.
we beg of you to not act weird around us or speak upon NSFW topics if you are a minor.
Some of us are younger than others.
Please be mindful of this fact.

If you have questions for us, please feel free to ask. As long as they aren't weird then we will happily reply to them.Don't be afraid to ask who you're speaking to!

The mood for onset sin.

Our DNI in general is pretty standard stuff.
So please don't interact if you:
Are a feral NSFW artist / indulge in that content.
This includes Pokemon NSFW.
Are a DVN and/or Phighting NSFW artist.
We'd rather not be near that content.
AI "Artists".Are against typing quirks, neopronouns, xenogenders, kins/fictionkins, or things related.Are or support endogenic systems.
We're not comfy with it, we apologize.
Fit basic criteria.
Such as proshippers (or whatever hellish name y'all go by these days), racists, support "map/zoo" pride, etc etc.

Satisfaction guaranteed!

There's a wide variety of interests we have.
These interests include but aren't limited to:
Phighting, DVN, Hellmet.Bugs, birds, dinosaurs, mythical creatures, bones, horror movies, zombies, analogs and args, mecha.Art, clay sculpting, music, games in general.We also love anatomy and military related things.We could gush about our interests for hours on end. In fact, we're always happy to share more about them if you're ever curious to know!


We have a little handful of socials that we use.
Some are private while others are actively shared.
If you want to contact us on Discord, please comment (do not DM) on our Toyhouse.